CAP Pro Course - Histology - Immunohistochemistry Part 2

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Author: Carla Shoffeitt, MSM, HT(ASCP)
Reviewer: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Discuss immunohistochemistry (IHC) applications related to pathologic diagnosis.
  • Review diagnostic IHC breast markers.
  • Discuss specialized techniques in IHC staining.
  • Discuss the diagnostic use of immunofluorescence staining.
  • Identify appropriate quality control measures in IHC staining.
  • Troubleshoot and discuss factors affecting stain quality.

Course Outline

  • Discuss immunohistochemistry (IHC) applications related to pathologic diagnosis.
      • Anaplastic Tumor Workup
      • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Stains for Specific Neoplasms
      • Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Markers in Lymphoid Processes
      • Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Markers for Skin
      • Proliferation Markers
      • Immunohistochemisty (IHC) Stains for Infectious Processes
      • The term "differential" is often referred to during the anaplastic tumor workup. Which of the following BEST describes the meaning of this term?
      • Dr. Brookes has diagnosed a liver biopsy as small cell carcinoma. Since small cell carcinoma is often metastatic, Dr. Brookes suspects that this neopl...
      • After review of a gastric biopsy slide, Dr. Sichon suspects the patient might be suffering from Helicobacter pylori. She decides to order an IHC stai...
  • Review diagnostic IHC breast markers.
      • Estrogen/Progesterone Receptors as Prognosis Predictors
      • Oncogenes
      • Regulatory Requirements Related to Estrogen Receptors (ER), Progesterone Receptors (PR), and HER2
      • Since assessment directly affects treatment and weighs heavily on prognosis, there is great concern with the analytical precision, reproducibility, ac...
      • IHC with DAB chromogen is routinely used to evaluate the amplification and/or overexpression of HER2. Staining results are interpreted quantitatively....
  • Discuss specialized techniques in IHC staining.
      • Immunohistochemical (IHC) Staining: Frozen Sections
      • Immunohistochemical (IHC) Staining: Cytology Preparations
      • Immunohistochemical (IHC) Staining: Double Stains
      • The antigenicity of cytocentrifuged slides and smears is BEST preserved with which of the following fixatives?
      • When staining acetone-fixed frozen section slides by immunohistochemistry, which procedural step can be eliminated?
  • Discuss the diagnostic use of immunofluorescence staining.
      • Direct Versus Indirect Methods of Immunofluorescent (IF) Staining
      • Immunofluorescent (IF) Staining: Renal Biopsy Specimens
      • Immunofluorescent (IF) Staining: Skin Biopsy Specimens
      • Immunofluorescent (IF) Staining: Disadvantages and False-positivity
      • Of the following statements, which one BEST describes the advantage of using indirect immunofluorescence (IF) staining methods?
      • Which of the following contributes to false-positive immunofluorescence (IF) staining?
  • Identify appropriate quality control measures in IHC staining.
      • Use of Control Slides and Control Reagents
      • Immunohistochemical (IHC) Antibodies and Suggested Tissue Controls
      • Optimization and Validation of New Primary Antibodies and New Lots of Ancillary Reagents
      • Antibody Diluents
      • Quality Control (QC) Documentation
      • Storage Considerations for Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Reagents
      • Vimentin is often used as a first tier stain in the anaplastic tumor workup. Which of the following tissue section types is BEST suited for use as a p...
      • The pH of antibody diluents is very important. Which of the following BEST describes the problem that can result from variations in the pH of the dilu...
      • Greyson has pulled the last remaining CD45 controls from the immunohistochemistry workstation and must replenish them. Which type of control is prefer...
      • Quan is organizing a new group of antibodies that were just validated. He understands that quality control (QC) documentation is required. Which of th...
  • Troubleshoot and discuss factors affecting stain quality.
      • Systematic Approach to Troubleshooting
      • False-negative Staining
      • False-positive Staining
      • Background Staining
      • Which of the following false-negative patterns of immunohistochemistry staining is the easiest to detect?
      • When using the diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogen with peroxidase-based detection systems, which of the following stain quality issues is expressed simp...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for HT, HTL, MLS, MT, MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Carla J. Shoffeitt, MSM, HT(ASCP) is the System Director of Anatomic Pathology for Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Healthcare Management as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Troy University, Troy, Alabama. She is certified as a Histotechnician and has 29 years of experience in the field of Histology.
Reviewer Information: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM, has over 20 years of experience as a medical laboratory scientist, section supervisor, and laboratory manager. He is the former Director of Clinical Laboratory Technology Program at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. He is currently a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Alex holds BS degrees in Biology and Medical Technology from Clark Atlanta University and an MBA from the University of Georgia.