CAP Pro Course - Blood Bank - ABO Typing Discrepancies

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Author: Rory Huschka, M.Ed., MLS(ASCP) Reviewer: Sheryl A. Whitlock, M.Ed, MLS(ASCP)

Continuing Education Credits


  • Interpret ABO typing results.
  • Identify ABO typing discrepancies.
  • Identify and utilize problem solving strategies.
  • Select ABO compatible blood components for transfusion.

Course Outline

  • Interpret ABO typing results.
      • ABO Typing Results
      • Testing Patient Samples in Pretransfusion Testing
      • ABO Typing of Infants
      • Typing Donor Units
      • Which of the following represents the appropriate testing and correct results on a cord blood specimen for a newborn determined to have group O blood?...
      • An 18-year-old female patient in the emergency room has the following typing results. What is the ABO type of the patient?Forward (Cell) Typing Rever...
  • Identify ABO typing discrepancies.
      • Discrepancies
      • Mismatch with Previous Results
      • Serologic Typing Discrepancies
      • Weak or Missing Forward Reactions
      • Unexpected Forward Reactions
      • Unexpected Reverse Grouping Reactions
      • Weak or Missing Reverse Grouping Reactions
      • Which of the following is not a potential scenario that could present with ABO discrepancies due to a weak or missing reaction in the reverse typing?
      • Which of the following is an indicator that a typing discrepancy may exist?
  • Identify problem solving strategies.
      • Steps in Solving Typing Discrepancies
      • Are the Antigens or Antibodies Weakly Expressed or Are They Missing?
      • Problem-solving Grid
      • Following are the ABO typing results for a new patient being evaluated in the hospital. Forward (Cell) Typing Reverse (Serum) TypingReagent Anti-AAnti...
      • A severely anemic 88-year-old patient exhibits the following blood typing results: Forward (Cell) Typing Reverse (Serum) Typing Reagent Anti-A Anti-B...
      • Which of the following is an example of an unexpected reaction in the forward typing?
  • Select ABO compatible blood components for transfusion.
      • Blood Component Compatibility - Whole Blood
      • Blood Component Compatibility - Red Blood Cells
      • Blood Component Compatibility - Plasma
      • Blood Component Compatibility - Platelets
      • What is contained in group O Plasma that would cause incompatibility with a group A individual?
      • A 47-year-old female oncology patient who has undergone chemotherapy treatment has an extremely low platelet count. Her physician has ordered five uni...
      • Below are the ABO typing results on a specimen obtained on a patient needing two units of compatible Red Blood Cells to be on hold for scheduled surge...
      • Below are the ABO typing results on a specimen obtained from a patient needing two units of compatible Red Blood Cells on hold for scheduled surgery. ...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction:  Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information:  Rory Huschka, M. Ed., MLS(ASCP), has over 20 years of combined experience as a medical technologist, technical supervisor, professor, and manager. He is a former Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Science and Medical Laboratory Technician Programs. He is currently a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Rory holds a BS degree in Medical Technology from North Dakota State University and a master's degree in Educational Leadership. 
Reviewer Information:  Sheryl A. Whitlock, M.Ed, MLS(ASCP), is the owner of ARK Laboratory Consulting, LLC, and a part-time technical consultant for McKesson. Sheryl served as the laboratory coordinator for the Student Health Services Laboratory at the University of Delaware for 15 years. Sheryl received her master's degree in education from Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania. She has more than 35 years of experience in laboratory science and has written and published textbooks and laboratory manuals, as well as having contributed to numerous online and print articles in the field of laboratory medicine.