Enterprise Reporting

MediaLab's platform provides powerful reporting capabilities for your enterprise, empowering corporate management to quickly identify areas of excellence and improvement, manage trouble spots, and see corporate-wide compliance in an instant.

Overview Reporting and Dashboards

Which sites are up-to-date on their policy and procedure review? Which sites are nearing their due date on competency assessment? MediaLab's enterprise dashboards show site comparisons and alerts in an intuitive way, highlighting actionable information.

Visibility for Corporate QA and Compliance

MediaLab streamlines the management of multiple sites across different geographic locations. Corporate administrators have access into each site's setup and deployment of MediaLab, giving them the ability to troubleshoot compliance and regulatory issues, ensure standardization, and pull reports for any site.

Integration Across All Solutions

Reporting is available for all MediaLab solutions on our platform, including:
Compliance & CE: See which employees have been assigned your corporate training and education modules, and which employees have completed their assignments. Get detailed reports on time spent, graded and ungraded questions, survey responses, and more.
Document Control: See which sub-units have pending approvals or overdue periodic reviews. Track how long different sub-units take to complete document approval or periodic review. Identify users that take longer than average to complete assigned tasks. See which documents are the most frequently searched and referenced. See which sub-units have the most employees that are or are not up-to-date on performing employee signoff of policies and procedures.
POCT Compass: View the status of your whole competency program, across all sub-units. Track the number of incomplete, complete, overdue, and upcoming competency assignments. Compare different groups (day shift vs. night shift) to identify bottlenecks.
InspectionProof: View progress toward 100% inspection readiness at all sub-units. See when on-site inspections are scheduled and self-inspections need to be completed. Identify common deficiencies found during on-site or self-inspections and address them with updated corporate policies.
Personnel Documentation: Keep a common repository of all of your employees' key personnel documents. See when licenses need to be renewed or transcripts updated. Employees update their license once, and the information is available to all sub-units in which they work or float.
IQE: Share your CAPA / NCE forms with different sub-units. Pull reports that identify trends across sub-units (does North Hospital generate more NCEs than South Hospital?) and within sub-units (does micro have more NCEs, regardless of hospital or location, than other departments?). Compare quality metrics between sub-units and departments.

Get the Details

With a full suite of reporting and collaboration tools, MediaLab lets corporate administrators drill down into every area of the system. See summary reports, detailed reports, and even specific users' to-do lists, so you know exactly what's happening at all locations, all the time.

More to Come

MediaLab is continually upgrading its reporting capability, including options for peer comparison, quality alerts and metrics, and more. Have a suggestion? Contact us through www.GetMediaLab.com.