Example of Manual Count Hotfix

Changed: the listing of document status beneath a manual now counts "overdue for periodic review" as "yellow triangle". Previous, the documents that were "overdue for periodic review" would have been counted with the approved and current documents (green dot).

Unchanged: opening the manual to view individual documents shows the yellow triangle for documents "overdue for periodic review"

Summary: the count displayed beneath a manual now matches the icons shown when the manual is opened.

This hotfix addresses a mismatch between the count of documents under a manual and what is visible when a user opens the contents of that manual.

Previously, "View Documents & Manuals" > "View Documents By Manual" would show a count of documents beneath that manual, and documents that were "overdue for periodic review" or "needed periodic soon" were counted as "available and current" (green dot). When a user opened a manual by clicking on its name, the user would see yellow triangles for "periodic review overdue" or (if the user is an administrator) green triangles for "periodic review due soon."

Following this hotfix, the count displayed beneath a manual's name matches the icons displayed when the manual is opened. The count will now display icons for documents that are overdue for periodic review with a yellow triangle.

This update only affects the count that displays below a manual's name. No periodic review requirements or dates were changed. Users could previously (and still can) see yellow triangles for overdue documents when opening a manual, viewing a document, or searching for documents. This update allows the summary count to more accurately reflect what's visible to users.